Yelling at players: Kids in the 21st Century do not know what volatile coaches are like — from Woody to Bobby to Patrick to Emil to Bob — coaches over the years
… discipline vs. "mental abuse," yesterday and today Coaches who yell at young athletes are often vilified — or adored, depending upon who is doing the evaluation. Coaches who push or grab players are often viewed in another category, but they are also often protected, depending on the situation. The truth is that today coaches do not yell as much as those in my playing days in the 1960s did. And, not all coaches then yelled a great deal. However, yelling was a different form of communication for many of the World War II generation — or even the one before that. High school coaches believed that they had to instill discipline in players — just as coaches today have to — but in order to do that, the players had to have some fear of the coach. That is what is different today. Most coaches today try to reason with players and cajole them, yelling when necessary but not using it as a primary tool. Woody Hayes: Four national titles, but volatile So, young athletes, meet Woody...