Is Jay Paterno trying to undermine Penn State football coach James Franklin by voting against improvement? Is there a racial component in all this?

Lavar Arrington at a Penn State-Ohio State game in 2019 … Former PSU great LaVar Arrington rips Paterno The Penn State Board of Trustees approved a decision to improve the football facilities on campus last month in a vote that was overwhelming, 27-6. Some of the six who voted against the proposal did so for philosophical reasons as the school has cut back on programs and did not have ticket revenue from last season — and may not have this year. However, four of those who did are being questioned as to why they did so. And one may have an ax to grind with the current football program since he was in effect fired after long-time coach Joe Paterno was dismissed because of the Jerry Sandusky scandal. In fact, one former PSU great alleges that Jay Paterno’s vote against the $48.3 project for the Lasch Building had more to do with evening the score than for philosophical reasons. Paterno’s alleged rationale is realistic, but motivation may not be Four who vot...