Congressman needs a history lesson

Sometimes, I wonder how dumb our congressmen think we are

From Tom McClintock, R-Calif.

"Traditionally, this nation (the U.S.) has never attacked another nation unless we ourselves were attacked or an ally was attacked. Unless those conditions are present, I would be very, very skeptical of declaring war against Syria."
Note: I agree with him about Syria, but this man was born in 1956. He should know what happened in Iraq. That is a blatant lie.
American History lesson number one: The U.S, attacked Iraq in 2003 because they might have weapons of mass destruction or nuclear weapons (those non-existent mushroom clouds that Condi Rice discussed). None were found by the American lead investigator after the fall of Saddam Hussein. 
Iraq was a sovereign nation ruled by a despicable despot, but we had no right to attack them, just as we have no right to attack Syria.
In addition, Congress does have the right to declare war. That is another topic for another post.


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