The latest PIAA "corruption": Charging ten bucks for a high school playoff game is asinine.
Bob Lombardi, the latest nefarious PIAA "leader" … Just the latest in tone-deafness I was surprised by seeing something on Facebook about the notorious PIAA, the group that runs high school athletics in Pennsylvania. The post said that admission to district playoff games would cost almost ten dollars — for adults and students. And that the tickets could be purchased only online. How stupid is that? It is a reflection of the arrogance that the organization has demonstrated over the years. I am going to go through this in more detail in another post, but this is not a new story. In fact, in 1998, the state legislature investigated alleged PIAA corruption — but did nothing. No surprise there. The legislature is as corrupt as the PIAA is, so it is like one criminal investigating the other. Granted, some many not look on this as criminality. It is not in the technical, legal sense, but since this reflects treatment of young high sch...